• Question: some people say a freckle is a kiss from the sun, but i think they\'re just umm, things? and sometimes hairy :L what are they?

    Asked by elliebob to Hywel, Joseph, Patience, Poonam, Rachael on 14 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Joseph Cook

      Joseph Cook answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      ‘A kiss from the sun’ is actually quite a good description. Freckles are formed when your skin is exposed to sunlight resulting in the production of melanin, a dark pigment, although some people are more likely to get freckles than others.

    • Photo: Poonam Kaushik

      Poonam Kaushik answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      Freckles are clusters of concentrated melanin which are most often visible on people with a fair complexion. Freckles are not a skin disorder. People with freckles usually have a lower concentration of photoprotective melanin and are therefore more susceptible to the harmful effects of UV-radiation. An overexposure of UV-radiation should be avoided.
