• Question: do any of your jobs invole going on holiday ????

    Asked by annie8393 to Hywel, Joseph, Patience, Poonam, Rachael on 15 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Poonam Kaushik

      Poonam Kaushik answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      definitely dear! who on this earth without holidays can survive? do u? my job infact allows me to make international trips…………for attending international conferences and seminars. I often attend them and enjoy different cities!

    • Photo: Dr Hywel Jones

      Dr Hywel Jones answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      Well if you mean do I get to travel with work then yes I do. However, these aren’t holidays, they are work and I’m often busier when I’m abroad than when I’m at home. However, it is good to be able to see other parts of the world as part of my job.

    • Photo: Joseph Cook

      Joseph Cook answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      Occasionally I get to go to conferences, which are sometimes in very cool places, but you spend most of your time working or going to talks, so it’s not really a holiday. It’s still very cool though. The best place I went was Boston, USA for a conference a couple of years ago.
