• Question: What is the most harmful chemical people face in everyday life?

    Asked by shann to Hywel, Joseph, Patience, Poonam, Rachael on 15 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Joseph Cook

      Joseph Cook answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      Bleach and drain unblocker aren’t very good for you. But something like alcohol probably does more harm because people abuse it.

    • Photo: Poonam Kaushik

      Poonam Kaushik answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Propylene Glycol (Antifreeze),1, 4 Dioxane, Dioxins, Bentonite, Propylene glycol, Diethanolamine (DEA), Polyethylene glycol (PEG), Benzylphanone, Sodium benzoate, Glycerin, Collagen, Talc etc!
