• Question: what would the world be like without google???

    Asked by caveof to Hywel, Joseph, Patience, Poonam, Rachael on 21 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Joseph Cook

      Joseph Cook answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      I can remember the world before google, it was a simpler time! Information was not so easy to get hold of, but you should remember that most things on the internet are unedited and anyone can post anything they want. Without google, you have to use other sources, like books, journals and newspapers, to get information.

    • Photo: Poonam Kaushik

      Poonam Kaushik answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Well definitely it will be tough one! once again we will be relying on hard bound literature and encyclopedias! it will be kind of story that if a person gets habitual of a car so that he can drive to his home 20 miles away than all of a sudden ask him to do walking!!! But still i believe we will survive! coz I used to do that as well when there was no GOOGLE!

    • Photo: Dr Hywel Jones

      Dr Hywel Jones answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Not long ago there was a world without Google and not long before that, when I did my PhD there was virtually no internet. The internet and its capacity for being searched is an amazing tool and one that has made the gathering and sharing of knowledge so much easier. However, remember that until a few years ago the world of science was getting along just fine without it by using its traditional methods of dissemination such as conferences, papers and personal networks. The trouble is that it is possible to get overloaded and overwhelmed by the information out there and it is hard to focus on just one topic. Despite the massive capacity for knowledge that the web brings we still only have one brain and 24hrs in a day.
